National Children’s Gardening Week
It’s National Children’s Gardening Week, running 27th May – 4th June 2023, an annual festival of fun supporting Greenfingers charity. Children love growing plants and love being involved in the garden but they’re often impatient, wanting to see instant results. National Children’s Gardening Week aims to capture children’s enthusiasm at a time when results are immediate, just when the weather should be getting warmer. This means that pretty much throughout the UK they can plant all the popular plants with little fear of weather damage or the need for complicated protective growing.
The organisers at National Children’s Gardening Week have produced lots of fantastic information about things to do with your little ones at this time of year:
Here at Gymboree Play & Music we love a bit of gardening role play! In our Theatre Arts courses our pre-schoolers celebrate Spring. They dig using spades and trowels; they plant seeds and carry buckets. They water the plants to make them grow. And then they act out being a plant and growing towards the sun. What fun we have!
Get involved, gardening is great for little ones!