Gymbo Sports Day Party

You don’t have to travel to Paris to witness athletic prowess this month.
Not to steal the Paris Games’ thunder, but we’ll be holding our
Very own Gymbo Sports Day Party 🥳 🎈 Suitable for a great family activity this Summer Holidays.
Balance on our airlog, keep the beanbags on your head and jump from hoop to hoop
Of course let’s see how many bubble Ooodles we can catch!
Including all sorts of themed activities, party games and even a few prize’s for athletes!
Suitable for mobile babies to 5 yrs
Thursday 1st Aug  3pm -3.45pm
Wednesday 7th Aug 4pm -4.45pm
Ticket price per child adults go FREE
£20 for non members
£10 for members 
£10 for sibling of a member  
Members email for the discount code 

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